right to interfere

美 [raɪt tu ˌɪntərˈfɪr]英 [raɪt tu ˌɪntəˈfɪə(r)]
  • 干涉权利
right to interfereright to interfere
  1. She had no right to interfere in what was plainly a family matter .


  2. We don 't have the right to interfere with her freedom of choice in marriage .


  3. It 's arguable that the government has no right to interfere in this matter .


  4. No country has the right to interfere in another country 's internal affairs .


  5. Certainly , they have no right to interfere in our affairs .


  6. I don 't think your mother has the right to interfere in our affairs .


  7. Does he have the right to interfere with her desire under these circumstances ?


  8. I have the right to interfere .


  9. Congress has no right to interfere with a fellow 's personal liberty .


  10. Not have the right to interfere with sb . 's freedom of choice in marriage


  11. The liberation of Taiwan is China 's internal affair in which no other country has the right to interfere ;


  12. Do we have the right to interfere with there customs or reinterpret their laws ?


  13. Any unit , sponsoring agencies , organizations and individuals has no right to interfere in the internal affairs of the team and its operation .


  14. Acting on this principle , no nation will have a right to interfere or to complain if in the progress of events we shall still further extend our possessions .


  15. They have no right to interfere with his programme of nationalisation , however wrongheaded it may be , or the rest of his economic policy : those things are the sovereign business of venezuela .


  16. " It was his peculiar doctrine that a man has a perfect right to interfere by force with the slaveholder , in order to rescue the slave "( Henry David Thoreau ) .


  17. It is within the sovereignty of every nation to opt , in keeping with its national conditions and the will of its people , for a social system and road of development of its own choice . No one else has the right to interfere .


  18. On the condition that the offender pleaded guilty and sincere attitude , both parties can have a discussion about the compensation amounts on the basis of equality and voluntary consultation . The Department of Public Prosecutions have no right to interfere this proceed .


  19. By thunder ! What right he has to interfere in my family affairs !


  20. She had considered indignantly , what right he had to interfere with her sewing .


  21. Financial instability hypothesis differs from the mainstream economics in the aspects of whether capitalist economies rely on exogenous or endogenous shocks to generate business cycle and whether it is right for governments to interfere in economic activities and the relationship between finance and economic circles .


  22. It was not right for any country to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries .
